I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada. I will take action for a better world, and respect the Brownie Law.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Guide House Reminder, Cookies and More!

Please take a quick look at the reminders and new information below.

1. The Brownies will be touring Guide House at 453 Parkdale Ave. this Thursday evening (Oct 4).  Please drop your Brownie off at 6pm sharp, with their permission form if you have not already turned it in (we have most of them).  Parking (off Foster St) is very limited and car pooling is encouraged. There may be room in some of the leader cars – please let us know asap if you need a ride.

2. If you have not picked up your cookie cases, please pick them up from Screech Owl (aka Alice) by October 3.
3. Please mark Oct 18 on your calendars for our Enrolment ceremony! Family members will be asked to join us at 7:00 that evening. More details will follow.
4. We are collecting balls of yarn (full or partial balls) for our November Fruggle Event. If you have extras you would like to donate please see Tawny Owl (aka Jen)

5. Thanks to those who requested Ballet tickets. Rainbow (aka Kelly) will circulate more details about the event shortly. 

We hope your Brownies are recovered from the great camping weekend. The Leaders are almost recovered J