Each meeting night we we will have a sign up sheet for badge testing. We ask you to fill this out so that we know whould would like to get tested, and for which badge. We also try to keep badge testing to a maximum of 3 badges per night for a Brownie so that she does not miss too much of the regular meeting.
What to bring for badge testing:
If your daughter is bringing a badge for testing at a meeting
please ensure that she brings the following and add her name to the badge
testing sheet when she arrives:
a) Her program
book with your signature beside the badge which she has completed – the leader who does
the testing will also sign the book so you know that it was examined.
b) Any items pertinent to
the badges (i.e., for the
collecting badge bring in the collection, for an art badge bring in what was
completed, etc. – for large experiments, cooking etc – a description and a picture from the
brownie is sufficient).
c) Please ensure that the work is completed by the brownie. If possible, it would be great that anything written
down is done by the Brownie. If she is not able to discuss what she has
done (i.e., too shy, forgets) this allows us to know that she understands the
badge components.