Due to the parent-teacher interviews this week (Nov. 8) at St. Jerome, we are unable to use the gym for our meeting.
Instead, we will be meeting at 6pm at the parking lot of Claudette Cain park (closest to the splash pad/Moncion's) for an outdoor meeting. Details:
* We will have a shorter (6 to 7pm) outdoor meeting at the park.
* Girls are asked to bring a flashlight and wear reflective clothing if possible.
* Pick-up will be at the same parking lot as the drop off at 7pm sharp.
* Please dress your Brownies for the weather.
And due to parent-teacher interviews at Steve MacLean on Nov. 15, we will bump our Mother/Special Friend and Brownie Fruggles night to Nov. 22. Nov. 15 will run as a regular meeting at the St. Jerome gym.
Other notes:
1. Remembrance Day: If you plan on attending a Remembrance Day ceremony, just a reminder that Brownies are encouraged to wear their Brownie Uniform as a sign of respect and remembrance.
2. Please remember that we ask for dues for every meeting, even those outside of the gym. Dues help us pay for craft supplies and badges. Kelly will send out a reminder shortly of dues owing. If you have questions or concerns about this, please see one of the leaders.
3. Great news! Girl Guides of Canada just announced that Diane Arbuckle, our Community Guider (you see her greeting parents at the gates of our camps) - aka Mrs. A - has been awarded a Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal for her outstanding contributions to our community and to Canada. Congratulations Mrs. A! You deserve it!!