I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada. I will take action for a better world, and respect the Brownie Law.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tree Planting Sept 22

Just some details about the Tree Planting this weekend. Parents are welcome to join us; a t-shirt and food is available for the registered Brownies.

Time: 9:00am to approx 12:00 noon
Food: Tim Horton's coffee, Hot Chocolate and some Tim Bits will be available upon arrival. After planting, we will have a BBQ hot dog, chips and drink for all volunteers.
Water: Water jugs will be available for you to fill up your own re-useable water bottle, so please be sure to bring one.
Supplies: Other than dressing for the weather, what else should I bring? A shovel and gloves for planting. Only a limited number of supplies will be available so we encourage volunteers to bring their own if they have them. A TD Tree Days T-shirt will be available for all volunteers as well.

Parking is available at the park, if the main lot is full, check other parking lots. Look for the TD Tree Days signage and volunteers will direct you to registration.

Meeting Location: Our leaders will be near the registration booth. We will try to determine an exact location before Saturday morning. If you can't find us, please call Jen's cell (613-323-0626)

                                  Meet the Mayor!
                                 Sandy Owl
                                   Screech Owl
                                    Tawny Owl

                     It was muddy and rainy and we
 had a great time!